
Construction Sites

Ensuring your construction site is protected around the clock is vital to any projects success, especially large ones. After all, you likely leave equipment out that is susceptible to theft or damage, and expensive materials that can’t be stored in a warehouse day after day. There’s also the threat of property damage from criminal element, as well as the threat of damage due to severe weather or other natural occurrences. Construction sites are vulnerable, that is why investing in quality construction site security guards is so important and far more effective than security cameras alone.

Forti Security and Investigations provides exceptional security services at unbeatable prices for construction sites across the Texas Gulf Coast Region and great Houston area. Our 24-hour construction security officer service is specifically designed to protect and secure construction sites in order to reduce vandalism, theft, employee pilferage, graffiti, trespassing, loitering, and other unwanted activity. Since every construction site is unique, we provide each client with a customized security plan to accommodate their site’s specific needs.

Our security guards offer a variety of benefits to construction companies. They not only reduce costs associated with theft and damage — as well as possibly provide a discount on your insurance — but also alleviate your staff of the burden of routine security procedures. Our guards are trained in all aspects of construction site and office security systems, including patrol and perimeter checks, gate access control for visitors and vehicles, visitor and VIP escorts, and activity reports. Daily activity reports can be designed to include truck logs, material watch logs, equipment movement logs, and more. In the event of an incident, we will provide a detailed and accurate report as well as contact local police or the fire department if appropriate.

Bonded, licensed, and insured Forti Security and Investigation provides both standing officers and mobile vehicle patrols for construction sites. Our officers will arrive in security uniforms that are designed for construction jobsites: a construction vest over our standard company uniform with company badges, duty belt, and hard hat. Our guards are supervised through management visits, GPS Officer tracking and daily activity reports to the client. Call us today for construction security you can trust.

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